Congestion in Network

Data is transferred from the source to the destination in a network. Sometimes the data is transferred in bulk in the network which affects the traffic. Now, if the traffic gets more and more in the network, therefore increasing the congestion. This leads to delay in data receiving or sending packet loss, and blocking of the connection resulting in the capacity of the network.

Network Congestion:- Network protocols are there which help in reducing the network traffic, by taking the SHORTEST PATH ALGORITHM which says that, the data is routed by seeing the shortest path of the desired destination.

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Search Engine Optimization, History and Facts

Search engine marketing started out in 2001, the first pay-per-click search engine was Overture. Search engine optimization had been around for a while and to generate the traffic and targeted nature of search engines realized there could be a quicker and easier way to list websites. This was the birth of pay per click (PPC).

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INTERNET is a wide term to be explained. INTERNET literary means network of networks i.e, it is the networking of the inter-related computers. There are two different terminologies to be kept in mind, that are:- (i). INTERNET (ii).INTRANET INTERNET deals with WAN and MAN. Where WAN stands for Wide Area Network and MAN stands for … Read more

Protocols in Internet

Earlier internet was used for military purposes, for setting the trajectory of the missiles. ARPANET was first used for military purposes but later on the same was been used for basic purposes. INTERNET had become the basic need for every business and school or college, it has spread the web everywhere. You have come across … Read more

Learn About What is Computer Networking

Networking is the connection of autonomous computers. Networking is needed so as to make a web of computers. It can be according to the AREAS, i.e. LAN, MAN, and WAN.LAN for Local Area Network, MAN for metropolitans Area Network and Wide Area Networks. THERE ARE TWO COMMUNICATION MEDIA IN MAKING A NETWORK: Guided Unguided Guided … Read more